- Standard Shipping Charge is $6.95 is applied to all US orders.
- Please allow 3 - 7 Business Days for processing on all stocked items. Once orders are shipped please allow 8 - 14 business days for delivery for United States shipped items. Processing times can be 3 - 7 days. For Special Occasion dresses, since they are custom-made when ordered, may take up to 10 days before they are shipped.
- As some items are shipped from our overseas suppliers, please allow 14 - 21 Business Days for delivery of those items.
- Should multiple items be shipped by our overseas suppliers, items may ship separately.
- All our special occasion, baptism, christening, flower girl, communion dresses are custom-made by order. We want to make sure your special dress is perfect and of high quality, so processing times for these items may take up to 10 days. Shipping may take up to 21 days. Please allow 31 Business Days for delivery.
- Please note: If you have ordered multiple items, these items may arrive separately and at different times.
- All shipping times are estimates, especially at holiday times.
- A flat shipping rate of $20 or $30 will be applied, depending on the shipping zone. The shipping rate will be determined at check out.
- Shipping times of International Orders depend on the shipping location. Generally you should allow 21 - 35 business days for arrival, excluding holidays.
- Custom Duties and Taxes may be added, depending on the country the item is being shipped to.
Because of COVID-19, the processing and shipping times may be delayed somewhat. We keep your health in mind when maintaining health and cleaning standards In these times, your patience is most appreciated.
Our goal is to offer you the most stylish children's clothes at affordable prices and help you make these childhood moments precious memories.
Thank you for your business. Your little one will love our clothes!
Love to all,
Andrea Johnston, The Palm Beach Baby.